Society and the legal norm – what does the law tell us?

When it comes to social relations, law adds and simultaneously stands alone, law – is generally binding and formally defined type of social norms. Law holds societal importance and concerns every individual, social group and society as a whole.

It is based on social consciousness, people reflect the surrounding reality, perform social functions, and construct connections with economic relations. Political, legal, ethical, philosophical, religious and even economic, historical and environmental – all are forms of social consciousness. Legal normativity implies that the same general legal norms concern quite different and dissimilar people. Legal consciousness turns attention to legal reality, which is based on knowledge and emotions, while formation of a theoretical legal understanding is noted to have a further positive impact on people’s lives.

Legal culture ensures mutual interpretation and understanding of participants in legal relations and possibility of legal behavior, because life often means encounters with complex and ambiguous processes. Those are legal relations that determine and provide a personal measure of possible and proper behavior when it comes to the legal sphere of societal life. A legal norm has an ideal structure, which initially has a potential meaning and then the actual structure of the legal norm. Behavior regulated by the legal norms is one of the main types of social behavior, therefore requires the attention of all members of society.

Economic consciousness is considered to be directly linked to legal consciousness; it significantly affects real behavior, value orientations, attitudes, life goals and means of achieving them. Based on it, we evaluate economic processes and their social consequences, we rely on the correctness of our decisions in real economic activity, as well as in social and professional self-determination.

Any legal behavior in the society is considered from the legal, social and psychological aspects. When planning their future, it is beneficial for a person to take into account the requirements of social legal norms and possible consequences. It is worth noting that the law refers to actions or inactions directed, expressed by a person outward, but not thoughts, desires or beliefs. An offense is illegal behavior harmful to society that entails legal liability.

Not legal advice. This written material presented for information purposes only and should not be relied for legal advice. It is recommended that you consult a legal professional. This material has been prepared by The Second Chance Foundation’s public relations for contextualized and discursive Prison stories content discussing perspectives of various groups in their brush with the law.